Saturday, September 25, 2010

Type Specimen Book - Change of Plans

While I don't think the subject of Paradox for the Type Specimen Book is a bad idea, I feel that it's not straight-forward enough. There's quite a lack of proper Paradox articles as it seems, plus Paradox is way too broad of a subject as I suspected. Something more narrowed down or focused would speed things up. Somehow I just don't think I'll be able to finish each and every homework on time if I stick with it.

Having another week to "restart" this project, I went back to carefully trying to remember interesting books that I might have read before. Amusingly, I forgot that I actually read quite a few books during the 2nd semester of Sophomore year. There was The Stranger, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and Dante's Inferno that I considered. I went to the SVA Library to find these books. The Stranger and The Picture of Dorian Gray were both unavailable, and Inferno felt a little too hard to interpret, so I went with The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.

Upon selecting the text, I suppose everything just felt like it's heading in the right direction. The creative process is now more intuitive and I saw a reason to select my typefaces first (as well as any other "palette"). I'm not extremely positive I'll be able finish everything on time this week, but at least I feel I'll get more done than getting completely stuck like last week.

The text I selected from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde is the scene in which Mr. Utterson decides to confront the suspicious Mr. Hyde by waiting day and night in front of Dr. Jekyll's house, because he saw Mr. Hyde go in once. The story itself takes place in London, and text is focused on describing the atmosphere of the scene, expressing ideas of mystery, silence, and perhaps tension. Those could be things that I could draw inspiration from.

In any case, I made a quick list of the 15 typefaces that I might use:

Initially I contemplated about using Script or Grungy fonts, but decided against both. Script fonts feel elegant in general, but to me the selected text feels more serious, as in "upright" instead of dreamy or something. Grunge fonts is naturally textured, which to me meant images, and we aren't allowed to use images until the 2nd stage of the assignment. I can make the background grungy later on anyways.

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