Sunday, September 26, 2010

Type Specimen Book - Color Version Experiment...

Applying imagery and color to the spreads turned out to be a lot harder than what I thought. For one I think the type is already the composition, so adding anything else felt like a compromise of sorts. I don't think there's that much of an issue if I'm dealing with only one spread, but then I also have to consider how the other spreads work out in relation to each other.

I tried using photos first, using the 2nd and 4th spread to experiment with:

... however, somehow it doesn't feel right to me. Maybe it has something to do with the photos. The photos aren't by me, which therefore makes the result not very original I guess. I've always tried to avoid using images from the internet if at all possible for this reason. Maybe I just felt a little too desperate to finish the assignment, so the result backfired. Next, considering this is a "Type" book, I feel the photos most likely "took away" from the typography. Yah... in short, I feel I need a different palette. Something more vector-like might do. Something more simple, but also adds enough to enhance the typography.

Also, seeing how pretty much the entire scene happens at night, I feel I might end up using a lot of black color. Not sure what to think about that besides a possible lack of contrast, and therefore a not-as-interesting piece.

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